Congrats to the FIS Culver's Student of the Month Makennah Jasper! Keep up the good work. We also want to thank Aaron and Mario Jones of Culvers for partnering with West Frankfort School District to help us recognize our amazing students!!

Come out and support our Redbird Football team tonight. We take on Murphysboro at home. Game time is 7pm. Any HS student that is dressed in a red shirt or the theme for tonight's game will get in free. (Neon Night) Also our younger Redbirds do not forget your SuperFan cards! See you all tonight. Going to be a great night for football!

Class of 2025 Chicken and Dumplings Dinner will be held Sunday, October 2nd beginning at 11:00 AM in the FCHS Cafeteria. Dine-in and Carry-out is available.

Job Announcement
Frankfort Community School District #168
Job Description and Duties
Title: Chaperone (At least 3 hours a day)
Building: District Wide
Schedule: To be determined by Administration
Expectations and Requirements:
The applicant will have to be trained in CPI and is expected to chaperone students of various levels.
General Supervision of students both in and out of the special education classroom.
Enforcing School Policy while supervising students.
Working cooperatively with both teachers, aides, administration, and office staff to best serve students.
Assuring the health and safety of students in their surroundings.
Also responsible for various other duties that may be requested by the administration.
Salary: $14.00 per Hour
Report to: Administration
Start Date: As Soon As Possible
If you are interested please email Mr. Harris at bharris@wfschools.org

Good Luck to the Girls Golf Team in their home match today!
Good Luck to the Volleyball Team in their home match today! 6pm start time. No Freshman game tonight.
Good Luck to the Sophomore Boys Football Team at home tonight!

Thanks for all the Booster Club does for our athletes!! Thank you to all the volunteers that turned out to help tonight at the Moose for the BBQ fundraiser!!

Congrats to Lucas Whittington and Ben Herron for being this week's Papa John's Athletes of the Week. The awards were presented by Coach Karoski. Great Job guys and keep up the great work! #RedbirdPride. I also want to thank Victoria Stevens for making our Certificates!

Class of 2025 Chicken and Dumplings Dinner will be held Sunday, October 2nd beginning at 11:00 AM in the FCHS Cafeteria. Dine-in and Carry-out is available.

Good Luck to the Boys Golf Team today at home against Hamco!
Good Luck to the Football Team tomorrow as they travel to Benton!
Also do not forget the Booster Club BBQ at the Moose from 5 to 8 Tonight!

Congrats to the Boys Golf Team on getting 2nd at the Conference Tourney!! Congrats to Ben Herron on placing 5th and Lucas Whittington on placing 7th! Both of them also named All Conference!!

Good Luck to our Boys Golf Team in their conference tourney match!
Good Luck to our Girls Golf Team at Massac Today!
Good Luck to our Volleyball Team at Sesser this evening!

September 20, 2022
Parent Liaison at Denning Elementary School
2022-2023 School Year
Frankfort CUSD #168 is accepting applications for the positions of Parent Liaison at
Denning Elementary School for the 2022-2023 school year. Candidates must submit a letter of
interest and a resume to bharris@wfschools.org or drop them off at the ASC. The position will
be advertised until it is filled.
Position: Parent Liaison at Denning Elementary School.
Qualifications: Good interpersonal and communication skills along with organizational
abilities. Familiarity with school and educational data base systems is
recommended. Experience in school settings recommended.
Salary: $14.50 per hour.
Reports To: Building Principal
Start Date: As Soon As Possible
If you are interested in the above position, please contact Mr. Harris at the Administrative
Service Center at your earliest convenience. The position will be advertised until it is filled.

Thank you to the Booster Club and the city for putting the signs up for our athletes!!

Stopped by the Ag and Auto Building this morning. Plenty of great things going on. Mr. Billingsley had the State FFA Officers in today doing projects with our FFA students. Mr. York had his students were working hard on an engine and changing the oil in a car. Great Job by all!

Good Luck to the girls Volleyball team as they travel to Murphysboro!
Good Luck to the cross country team as they go to Goreville!
Good Luck to the Girls Golf Team as they play in the Conference Meet Today!

Good Luck to our Boys Golf Team today in Effingham.
Good Luck to our Sophomore Football Team today at Harrisburg.

Any High School Student wearing the theme for the chant team will get in free today, along with wearing a Redbird shirt. Denning and FIS students do not forget your Redbird Superfan cards! Football (9/17)

Congrats the Papa John's Athletes of the Week! Laela Kohzadi for volleyball, Gavin Mann for football, and Hannah Adkins for cheerleading! Great job Redbirds!! Keep up the great work!

Our Redbird Superfan shirts have arrived. They have been delivered to FIS and Denning. I have already noticed some of our students using the cards to get in free to our HS home games. Those students who earn the shirts will not only get the shirt, but they will get into any HS home event for free the rest of the year as long as they are wearing the shirt to the game!!!

This morning, Frankfort CUSD #168 Administrators received a report of a potential threatening note being passed between students at Central Junior High School. The CJHS Principal and other District administrators investigated the threat and reached out to the West Frankfort Police Department and its officers. CJHS was briefly under a soft lockdown, slightly delaying the start of the lunch periods. At the conclusion of the investigation, it was determined that there was not a valid threat. District Administration along with officers of the WFPD will continue to investigate this and any potential threat reported to them as we work to ensure the safety of our students. We continue to rely on everyone to help us stay alert and report potential situations and needs as we work to educate our children each day. # # #